

    Dear Students!
    In today’s fast changing world, it is essential to be updated with information in all related areas and so also is the speed of your reach to that information .
    Keeping these two things in mind, our Vidyalaya website has evolved in its new avatar on the theme of Agile Information Platform alias AIP

    Agility is about keeping pace with and adapting to changes quickly and an attempt to provide the reach of adequate resources to improve your learning process.

    Interactivity is the key to our website, where the Students, Parents, Staff and visitors to our website can post their queries over internet to the concerned stakeholders and can get response within agreed time. Hence we are reducing time to resolution of queries and disseminating information at the click of a button.

    Social networking is the most talked about idea these days among students and tech savvy individuals sites such as Twitter, Face book etc. have also been incorporated into our website to cater to these new trends.

    Effort has been made to make all the pages of the website dynamic, which means updating the data is made easy and managed in files; thereby achieving the goal of KVS of publishing the most recent data on the Vidyalaya Website.

    New Sections such as, Parents Section, Current Students and Alumni are introduced with the idea of reaching out to Parents and old students to encourage them to post their details and queries directly through the website and in turn get our response faster. Alumni Registration module is an attempt to build the Alumni Forum of all the former students from KV Army Area and gradually evolve an Alumni community.

    I encourage all the students and staff to start using our website and provide more suggestions to improve upon what has been initiated.
    Thanking you